"Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight
of a book."
- Jane Smiley
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Novel

Come and Immerse yourself
The Friendly Bookstore is an all-volunteer operation. Volunteers are asked to commit a minimum of 4 shifts a month to the store. Shifts are generally 3 hours long.
There are several jobs at the store:
Clerks are the ladies and gentlemen who staff checkout are the faces of the bookstore. You greet the customers, share with them sales information, direct them to the area for which they are looking, then check them out. Clerks generally work 3-hour shifts.
Section Curators are charged with sorting and shelving books within specific areas of the store. They also price books, and cull shelves as needed. These shifts are generally 3 hours.
Lead Staff/Assistant Lead Staff are the individuals who are in charge of shifts. They have wide-ranging responsibilities including helping at checkout; relieving clerks; helping offload donations; answering questions; and a myriad of other tasks as needed. Most curate book sections. These shifts are at least 3 hours.
When you apply to volunteer, you are asked what job you would like to do. We try to assign volunteers to jobs they request.
What’s in it for you?
Supporting the Rogers Public Library. Plus, volunteer purchases are half-price, except for collectibles, requests, and bagged books. We feed your book addiction!

JoIn US!
Becoming a volunteer for the Friendly Bookstore is simple:
Complete the form below.
You will be contacted by the volunteer coordinator or store manager for an interview.
After a successful background check, you will be added to the store schedule.
That’s it! Join us!
Volunteer Application
Please complete the form to apply to volunteer with us.
Bookstore Shifts are:
9 am-1 pm and 1 pm- 4 pm, Monday through Saturday.
Please use this to list your times under availability.
References are required; e.g. coworker, employer, minister, etc.
Do not list family members.
*By submitting this application, you are giving The Friendly Bookstore management permission to conduct a background check.